Waitlist Instructions
Welcome to the waitlist for YMCA of the North Shore - Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA Afterschool Program. We currently run programs in Marblehead and Swampscott Public Elementary Schools. Please fill out the form below to be added to our waitlist.
This does not guarantee a placement for your child. One of the barriers currently is space in the schools. We are licensed by the Department of Early Education and the license is dictated by the square footage and staffing pattern.
As soon as a space is available at the desired location for your child a member of our registration team will contact you to discuss registration. Due to limited space at the schools and the high need for child care, our wait lists at some schools are extensive. We understand that you may need to contact several programs to meet your family’s educational and childcare needs.
Thank you for choosing the YMCA’s School Age Program!